No political correctness will be provided here

Fuck Ukraine!

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This President's address to the nation was deleted from Youtube to protect the freedom of speech. Last days any pro-russian opinion was banned and removed from the US networks. Millions have lost their access to major social platforms. If you, my friend, are too far from Ukraine to fuck it in person, you can create simple DarkNet site, like this.

Dogs support justice, honor and common sense.

Masha and the Bear are coming.

The invasion begins....

Here we go

The Bear is awesome! Somebody else was facked. Just side effect.

Good boy. Relax. Have a seat.


You ask me "Is it possible to fuck Ukraine online?"

Yes it is!
Contact the Ukrainian Embassy to the US:
Ukrainian Embassy to Canada:
Ukrainian Presidental Office:
Tell them that you fuck them in your mind. I would suggest to use as many offensive words as you know. Don't forget to provide a URL for this site. Turn on your imagination and do your best.

How else can you fuck Ukraine?

Please copy and paste following text into your blog, or webpage. Publish in social networks. Why? Click on the links and see why.

Free internet for Ukrainian people. No censorship. Use Tor Browser to access.

Voice of America:
Radio Free Europe | RFERL
BBC News /ukraine
"Pravda" Ukraine.

You can also order "Fuck Ukraine" t-shirt. Clearnet:

Danger! Russian soldier is training his cat.

Keeping an eye on the situation

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Squirrel fighter. Special mission of eating Ukrainian flag.

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We are sorry that following species are still disagree with others.

They upset Russian penguins.

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To be continued. Thanks. 💓

Last updated on 12/22/2023. Download our private_key